Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

New Homeowner Lists And New Homeowner Leads - The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Building your business can be done effectively with new movers or homeowners list. Most new homeowners when they move in to a new house need all kind of new services. So by having fresh data you can be the first to market your product or service to them. The goal of these lists is to be able to receive as much information as possible to realize the needs of the new members in the community or your geo radius. What this does is gives information to what these consumers may need presently or in the future. Finding a company that provides new mover leads with as much data as possible will provide lead information that converts to sales which brings growth to your business. Finding a list that provides not only names and addresses but also some specifics of the household and phone number will be a help in connecting with them to bring them information or products they may need and the early bird gets the worm.

Connections can be made with detailed data that cannot be made with just a few facts. Finding out if those who have just moved into the community have moved a long distance will help in making sure they have information to services they may need that those who moved within the neighborhood may not need. New mover lists can provide information such as the name and address and where the consumer has moved from and telephone data. Chances are if they have moved a great distance they may need to know how to send a package quickly or how to travel often, lawn services, satellite service, or many other services that new homeowners need when they move to a new house.

Growing communities have needs that change on a regular basis. Some communities may be experience families moving in with more children than every before. Having new mover data that can provide information on children that are moving into the area will allow the area to meet the needs of these children and their parents immediately when they are settled into their new neighborhood. Making the connection with these consumers will let them know what services they will find for their family. This new mover data is vitally important when it comes to providing a the mover with services that are always needed lawn care, doctor care, carpet cleaning, child care, restaurants, and many other products and services.

New mover lists that provide information such as age and gender can open up whole new avenues when it comes to connecting with the growth of the of your business. There is information that younger consumers may need that older ones will not need. Taking the time to have the data that is needed to maintain the growth of the business can be done with specific information such as age and gender. The power of new telephone data with you call centers can be the first one to jump the gun and get them to sign up with your services. Most consumers sign up with the first contact for a product or service and by you having new data you can make this happen.

Converting leads into sales helps in growing your business and knowing what new consumers need within the community. Receiving mover leads with as much data as possible will allow your business to provide for the needs of those who have been in the community and those just moving into the community. Great data equals great sales and power over your competitors. A good leads source can be your businesses best friend. No matter what your business is beat everyone to the jump and you will always win.

Midterm Questions Of Social History Of America: Native American And African American

America has always been a pluralistic society, broken into small groups with symbolic boundaries separating different sects. Positively, the pluralistic society allowed certain immigrant groups to remain affectionate and loyal to their ancestral religions and cultures, and also to actively participate in American political life. A civic culture developed in America, under the guidelines of republicanism:

“Government through elected officials, the eligibility of all citizens to participate in public life, and the freedom to differ in religious and individual life “(Miljkovic-Gacic & Ferrell, 129-133)

European immigrants could become members of the polity on a basis of equal rights with native born citizens regardless of the country they came from or the religion they believed in. While European immigrants were enveloped in the American myth, and all this vast land had to offer, two other groups: blacks and Native Americans were not allowed the same opportunities. The myth did not apply to Native Americans (Indians). Indians were not encouraged to remain in touch with their cultural and religious roots the way other groups were. The American government did not want the heathens to continue with their uncivilized lifestyle.

Consequently, several programs were developed to help the Indians assimilate to the American way of life. Once the Indians were pushed onto the least fertile land in the country, tribes were divided up and individuals were given their own plots of land in order to become self-sufficient. Indian children were taken away from their parents to be educated about the civilized life and the white man’s' laws. This separation was another attempt, by the white man, to discourage the continuation of the heathen traditions. Unlike the European immigrants, the majority of the Native Americans did not care to assimilate, nor did they wish to participate in the American government. The Indians just wanted to continue with the tribal pluralism that they practiced in the time before the white man's arrival. The Native Americans wished to remain self-governing, independent nations.

As tragic as the story of Native Americans is, there is another story: that of African Americans (blacks), that some would consider even more tragic. While Indians were constantly being encouraged to assimilate against their will, black: who often believed in American ideals, were forced to live in a segregated society. Blacks were never believed to be equals of the white man. From the time the first twenty blacks were brought to the United States as indentured servants in the 1600's; until the 1970's, blacks were considered to be inferior to whites (some would argue that this belief still prevails). Many believed, as did our great leader: Thomas Jefferson that blacks were intellectually, spiritually, and physically inferior to whites. Accordingly, the majority of our nation's history is plagued with pluralism caste.

This pluralism has been accompanied by all the aspects of a caste system: social indignity, physical brutality, educational deprivation, and political exclusion. Unlike the Indians, however, the torment and exclusion of blacks only strengthened their belief in the ideals of the Constitution and the American myth. African-Americans and Native Americans were all affected by laws passed between 1865 and 1900. Some, like the child labor laws, were beneficial to these groups, but mostly the laws were unfair and unbeneficial. Whether they were federal, state, or local laws, they all had a big impact on the lives of these people.

Works Cited
Miljkovic-Gacic I, Ferrell RE, Patrick AL. Estimates of African, European and Native American ancestry in Afro-Caribbean men on the island of Tobago. ISSN: 0001-5652, 2005; Vol. 60 (3), pp. 129-33

Courtesy: Flash Term Papers

Jewelry Making Findings Can Make Or Break A Jewelry Project

Jewelry making findings are the essential pieces which make the bead and wire a piece of jewelry. Jewelry making findings are simply the components of any piece of jewelry; the findings consist of clasps, head pins, ear clutches, jump rings and any other manufactured or hand made component. Separate headings of ‘Findings” are listed in all jewelry making supply catalogs or websites. A craft or hobby store will have the header listed in their jewelry supply area. Jewelry making findings is a major revenue business all by itself.

Ear Wire

Ear wires are the jewelry making findings that are used to connect a beautiful earring body to the wearer’s ear. Ear wires are essential when making earrings; they are generally silver, gold and copper. There is also silver and gold plated, as well as, gold filled. The 22 gauge is the size which is most used in ear wires.

The ear wires are inexpensive to manufacture and are sold in bulk. Ear wires can also be made by hand, and this could be a way to distinguish your work from a manufactured earring. There are many books and websites which contain instructions for different patterns of ear wires.

Zip Lock Bags

Small zip lock bags are also considered jewelry making findings. Plastic zip lock bags or small fabric pouches are items which must be considered when selling your jewelry or keeping it safe. Oils and everyday pollution will harm your jewelry making findings and, therefore, must be kept in containers before and after they are made into jewelry.

Sizes of these bags depend upon your necklace, bracelet and earring projects. But jewelry making findings must always include small bags of some capacity.


Toggle clasps, jump rings, lobster clasps, S clasps and magnetic clasps are all examples of jewelry making findings. These are all necessary components to make any necklace or bracelet work. Your beads or crystals, wire or chains and clasps is all that it takes to make a spectacular necklace or bracelet. But your findings are absolutely essential in the making of these necklaces and bracelets.

There are many more examples, but the ones that are listed above are the essential pieces. When researching for jewelry making findings, look for quality first. In jewelry making findings you really do get more ‘bang for your buck’.

Spend a little more for your findings and your customers will turn into repeat customers and you won’t turn into a jewelry repair business. When all is said and done, jewelry making findings can literally make or break your jewelry making projects.

Pet Memories Boxes, Scrapbooks, Etc. Make Great Pet Keepsakes

Pets are like babies: affectionate, tender, sensitive, braggers and loving. I am sure you remember everything about your newborn puppy involving series of events like bringing your puppy home, naming your puppy, your puppy’s first walk, your feeding your puppy for the first time using a baby milk bottle. Therefore, you should take care of your pet like a family member.

How can one pamper ones pet? Don’t worry as we are here with loads of ideas about how to pamper your pet. You can cosset your pet by providing it with proper clothes for warmth, nice bedding, cozy home, proper food, regular medical check up and frequent outings. Animals notice even the slightest of actions if performed with love. They love their masters for their goodness. You can do extra efforts by doing unconventional things for your pets. These things include scrapbooking pets, getting a paw ornament for your pet or getting pet memories gifts.

For people who feel affection for their pets, this is an enormous way to take benefit of all those grand pet pictures you have captured over the years. For instance, for some, a pet that has no longer with them can be so badly missed that something like a pad for instance, with the pet printed on it can in actuality be of console. The type of products obtainable range from things like photo frames, cushions, Scrapbooks, bags to canvas box framed prints. Another creation that's obtainable is a procedure that can change a photo into what looks just like a work of art. These paintings are then are in black and white, and put onto canvas, presenting just as if you had it specially made by an artist to paint a motionless life of your pet but at a small part of the price. This can be a wonderful to maintain your pet’s memory.

You can also do it yourself at home. You can buy a readymade scrapbook or make it yourself. Try collecting you pet’s pictures and stick them in your scrapbook. You can also use fancy embellishments to make it attractive. Adorn it with laces, glitters, ticker tape, ribbons and much more. Also note down special days on your scrapbooks like your dog’s birthday or Christmas. These things make little days very memorable. You would otherwise forget about these in a span of time. But scrapbooking your pet will keep these memories for a lifetime.

Christmas is the time when you pass on good wishes to your family and friends with gifts and blessings. Your pet is an equally good family member. So you should present something to your pet as well. We are giving you some of the finest ideas for your Christmas gift for your pet. You could give your pet new bedding, pet collar, and a piece of clothing or an ornament. A pet paw ornament is a wonderful gift for your pet. Adore your pet with a beautiful pet paw ornament and spread happiness all over the house.

Related= Homeowner

This author lives in Flemington, NJ with her husband and 5 month old daughter and is an expert contributing author for a luxury dog beds boutique offering variety of pesonalized dog beds and pet keepsakes.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that robs individuals of their memories, ability to recognize their loved ones or even to complete simple tasks for themselves, but there are treatments available to help slow the course of Alzheimer’s disease and researchers are working hard to find a cure.

Alzheimer’s disease is considered a condition of the elderly affecting mostly those over the age of 65. While there are so called early onset cases that occur in younger adults they are rare. 23,000 people die each year in the United States from Alzheimer’s disease. It is the leading cause of dementia, making it the eighth leading cause of death among older Americans. Though there is currently no cure for the condition, understanding the progress of the disease can help researchers, care-giving family members and those afflicted.

The disease is hallmarked by atrophy, or shrinking, of the cortical tissues in the brain. In people with Alzheimer’s disease nerve cells become bunched together forming tangled webs of brain tissue filaments (neurofibrillary tangles) and near these tangles patches of cellular debris, called senile plaques, are found. Plaques are made up of dead cells and proteins. It is believed that these brain abnormalities cause a disruption of the electrical impulses in the brain. As more and more tangles and plaques collect in the brain the body receives fewer and fewer messages from it and the person’s ability to function deteriorates.

According to Elder Rage author and radio host Jacqueline Marcell the warning signs of the affliction include: memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, problems with language, disorientation to time and place, poor or decreased judgment, problems with abstract thinking, misplacing things, changes in mood or behavior, changes in personality and loss of initiative. “You don’t need to have a doctorate degree to know something is wrong,” Ms. Marcell writes in her blog, “but you do need a doctor who can diagnose and treat (Alzheimer’s) properly.”

Right now the aim of treatment is to slow or mask the cognitive deterioration caused by the disease and to increase the brains ability to think, recognize, perceive and judge. Treatment is also helpful in reducing the behavioral problems associated with the more advanced stages of the disease. The side effects for the most commonly used medications: Aricept, Cognex, Exelon and Namenda can include nausea and vomiting, liver damage, psychiatric disturbances, weight loss, tremor, sore muscles, fatigue, dizziness and urinary tract problems. Razadyne is the exception; though there are risks for nausea and vomiting and a few other problematic symptoms, no serious side effects have been reported.

Some treatments work better than others and differently for different patients, so every patient needs to have their symptoms and treatment responses reevaluated frequently. Flexible, supervised care from a knowledgeable physician is of paramount importance.

Alzheimer’s disease isn’t curable but there are treatments that can slow its progress and promising research that may one day lead to a cure. Understanding the stages of the disease and its progression can help those who are afflicted, their loved ones and researchers ensure the best treatment now and promote hope for the future.

Gray Rollins is featured writer for ForAlzheimers.com. To learn more about Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's Treatment, visit our site.


The stars have always been a fascinating subject. Perhaps that's one reason why astronomy is so popular these days.

In essence, Astronomy isn't just about studying stars, as most people think. It's actually a study of celestial objects, which includes not only stars but also planets, comets and entire galaxies. In fact, Astronomy also studies different phenomena that come from outside of the earth's atmosphere, such as auroras and cosmic background radiation.

In addition, Astronomy, is concerned with a host of other sciences, including physics, evolution, chemistry, how celestial objects move and how the universe was formed and developed. Scientists routinely use Astronomy to test some of the most fundamental theories in physics, such as general relativity. In attempting to explain astronomical phenomena, astronomy joins hands with astrophysics.

Overall, Astronomy is among the oldest sciences known to mankind. Records show that there were astronomers dating back to the days of ancient Greece and India. This is probably where advanced observation techniques originated. In addition, the scientific history of man shows how many amateur astronomers have contributed and played an active role in observing and discovering what is referred to as transient phenomena.

With the dawn of the 20th century, Astronomy was divided into two sciences. These are observational astronomy and theoretical astrophysics. The first one is concerned with getting data and this involves building and maintaining a host of different instruments as well as processing the results of the data it acquires. There are some who refer to this branch of science as "astrometry" or simply as "astronomy". On the other hand, theoretical astrophysics has to do with ascertaining the implications that can be observed through a computer or through analytical models.

There are those who confuse modern astronomy with astrology but they are two very different things. Astrology revolves around a belief system that presupposes that the different positions of celestial objects have a direct bearing on human affairs. In a nutshell, it is fortune telling with the aid of the stars. Astronomy and astrology obviously share the same common origins but most scientists and other knowledgeable observers know that both fields are clearly distinct.

Related: Buy a Telescope

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Science, Education, and Weather

Should A Natural Health Practitioner Market A Health Product From A Direct Sales Business?

Have you ever wanted to promote a natural health product and shyed away from doing so because it was affiliated with a network marketing company?

It's totally understandable why a practitioner would shy away from such a thing. Afterall, you don't want your clients thinking your trying to make money off of them right? Well from Practitioner to Practitioner I'm here to tell you to just get over it! The health and wellness industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Lets face it a practitioner can only make so much money selling at retail. You either have to hike your consultation prices, recommend more product, or see more clients to make ends meet. And we all know seeing more clients is trading time for dollars. Wouldn't you rather be spending your time at a spa or on vacation?

Most practitioners are looking for a way to bring in extra cash to help pay the extra overhead expenses. However, most are quick to shun products that come from network marketing companies. Don't let an valuable product that could help your clients and add to your cash flow pass you by just because its affiliated with network marketing. Some of the best quality health products come out of network marketing companies.

Ofcourse natural health practitioners are the first ones to get bombarded with hungry distributors. These distributors are thinking your the perfect prospect! Perhaps they have more hope in you than you do? It is your ethical responsibility to research that particular health product they are sharing with you to the fullest extent. Afterall, you do need to stay up with the latest health information out there. Plus don't you want to have the appropriate answers for your clients incase they ask about a particular product they heard about? Better yet don't you want to be informed? Ofcourse you do! Nothing worse than a client being more informed than you.

There are many health practitioners finding success in marketing natural health products that come from the network marketing industry. Natural health practitioners such as N.D's, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Nutitionists, Bowen Tharapists etc, are all finding success in one form or another by means of helping people feel better and by doing so are making a good stream of extra income within their practices. Can't get any better than that. Doing what you love to do and making more money.

Don't let your misconceptions of network marketing stop you from helping alot of people and making tons more money doing what you love to do.

K. St.louis is a Holistic Practitioner with a entrepreneurial spirit. She has taken the time to research a particular health product due to the positive aggressive health effects it had on her husband. Kari can be contacted through visiting http://www.thegreatproduct.com/St.Louis